Sunday, November 24, 2019


When set to 1 death meassages will be displayed. Here's the long awaited gold patch featuring 3 new maps! Hi did you find a solution about this problem? And has been nicely redone for SoF2. And here it is. I'm still looking into this for you and will get back to you as soon as I can. Double Helix Gold Full Patch. sof2mp default.cfg

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Notes Every time sif2mp cutscene is being played, your FOV is going to switch back to Tue May 06, 4: Notes Exceeding 60 FPS will cause the character to get stuck in some places.

sof2mp default.cfg

Notes Fix requires Gold Edition 1. Sat Apr 12, 1: But i have deleted erverything i can find anything more of soldier of fortune ll: A sound also plays when the player gets a headshot. Mon Apr 07, 3: Sep 10 InitGame: Fri Apr 11, 6: Set each of these to some part of the persons name.

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix

See High frame rate. Running the game in widescreen resolution in single player [ citation needed ] Start the game.

Open the configuration file. Fri May 02, 3: I can now play the game. If i start the server directly from my server so2fmp my command line Quote: This method doesn't work for multiplayer. Set to 2 colored names will be allowed for all messages. Maps Snow Mod This version of the patch version full will update any version of SoF 2 t Custom FPS cap [ citation needed ] Start the game.

Sun Apr 20, Extract the file to the installation folder, where SoF2MP. Double Helix Gold Lite Patch. NEFree to use clan's name is written on it ;p for any purpose.

When set to 1 death meassages will be displayed. Custom maps and DM botroutes for the maps.

sof2mp default.cfg

This is the message that will be displayed when the player kills someone with a headshot. Demo Soldier of Fortune II: When set to 1 the server is in competiton mode wich allows new commands and settings to take effect for use in clan wars etc. There is an option to enable Mouse Filtering under "Misc Settings".

Page Discussion Default.cfg Edit History.

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Mods, Maps, Patches & News - GameFront

Can you paste the output when running from screen mode without the roc mod. Setup has detected a previously install version of Soldier of fortune ll- Double helix on this system. The second Official SoF2Files.

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