Sunday, November 24, 2019


I tried the latest version of iExplorer with not luck. I now have cydia in my iPad 3 with iOS 7. I have finally solved this! However, reading the descriptions of the person who did it, it says that it gives you access to the file system of the iDevice since he want to use it with FrankServer in order to do some testing, but it doesn't say anything regarding giving root access to the device, so I'm not sure if it will still worth giving it a shot. I can't because I need afc2add in order to access my jailbroken device's root folder. I know this because I did this same test with another iPad 3 with iOS 7. afc2add.deb

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Searching in google I found this: I know this because I did this same test with another iPad 3 with iOS 7. Just in case, I also tried: So, I wasn't able to test this method.

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You can also take a look at this: Because I don't have internet because I don't have a valid mac address. I guess I have to wait to either the A5 devices can be downgraded, a program that helps me install afc2add in my device or a jailbreak that already includes this for iOS 7. Asked 5 years, 9 months ago.

I didn't knew you can use a library to access the root folder.

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Maybe I can install the afc2add deb file this way. I also tried sharing internet access using an iPhone 5's hotspot and my iPad, but since I don't have a valid mac afc2asd.deb, it seems I can't receive anything from the internet. I can't because I need afc2add in order to access my jailbroken device's root folder. Can someone with a Apple Developer Certificate confirm this for me?

For now, until I solve this, I will leave this thread open. Did you try to restore your device in DFU mode?

However, it requires a valid Apple Developer certificate name and provisioning profile, which I don't have. Sign up using Facebook. Maybe you could be afc2avd.deb to upload afc2add this way. The first thing that happened was that after rebooting my device, it says that I have to connect my device to iTunes. Email Required, but never shown.

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So, this is like a kind of a deadlock. XX" to change my mac address using the MobileTerminal, but I didn't realized I changed it to an invalid mac address. How to install afc2add and other packages without WiFi connection. I have an iPad 3 and originally I had installed iOS 5. Later, the jailbreak for iOS 7 came out and I was very happy since I thought that my problem was going to be solved.

The only thing is that I don't know anything about Ruby, but I guess I will have to learn about it.


I don't know whether iExplorer uses afc or not, but you might want to give it a try. If I have more questions regarding ruby, I will open a different thread.

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Sign up using Email and Password. Add a new source repo in Cydia: Below are the steps Afc2add.db followed: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Clean install in DFU mode. After searching in google and testing all different methods to overcome this issue, none of them worked for me. Active 4 years, 1 month ago.

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