Thursday, November 28, 2019


I called that Agent of Grace, the Wordmule. This went on for months until eventually I talked myself out. Soon after finishing his lengthy thesis at the university, White entered a self-described "deep hole of sickness and depression and poverty. White's live shows, particularly when touring solo, can be characterized as off-beat, blending his playlist with open discussion with the audience, anecdotal storytelling derived from his own life experiences, all of which is typically humorous and insightful, with a deep sense of his feeling for the broken beauty of humanity. Retrieved 12 November Michael Davis Pratt [1]. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. jim white wordmule

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For other musicians of the same name, see singer and Jim White drummer. Views Read Edit View history. I called that Agent of Grace, the Wordmule. The notion came to me during a prolonged period of physiological struggle.

He was influenced in his childhood by gospel music. That happened to me.

jim white wordmule

In an interview with David Byrne, White describes the making of the album. Mounds of notebooks were filled with rambling screeds.

Soon after finishing his lengthy thesis at the university, White entered a wuite "deep hole of sickness and depression and poverty. Retrieved 12 November Archived from the original on 19 July Basically the impelling notion behind Wordmule was that at whtie certain point fringe dwellers like me, pushed to points of extremis, become rendered silent by the immensity of life, of loneliness, of betrayals by self and others, of powers what we cannot comprehend.

Michael Davis Pratt born March 10,known professionally as Jim Whiteis a southern American singer-songwriter and guitarist.

Archived from the original on Retrieved from " https: In conjunction with art exhibit. This went on for months until eventually I talked myself out. So every person who climbed in my cab became my confessor, every stranger on the street who made the mistake of asking me a simple question was assaulted with a tsunami of descriptions of my distress.

Much of this is due to his family life, which he has stated takes priority in his life and is the reason he does not like touring very much. The music to the song sort of informs on the seminal notion behind it.

Jim White Lives Here! | Wordmule!

I begged the producer of the record to hire a real guitar player to redo it, but he knew better, steadfastly insisting we jin the sprawling mess I had recorded. Americanaalternative country. Michael Davis Pratt [1]. He has stated during shows that ultimately he wishes to return to the academic field, particularly as a professor, rather than continue as a professional, touring musician.

jim white wordmule

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Just before the airing of that episode Wordmule had a grand total of views on Youtube. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It was of moment of wild and unhinged abandon and if you listen even casually you can hear just how utterly abysmal my performance is.

In the silence that follows we still feel the reflexive urge to define, just as the man with the amputated arm hungers to scratch wordmul itch he feels where his missing limb once was.

Professional surfer, comedian, guitarist, fashion model, cab driver, singer-songwriter, boxer, preacher. Words just flat out whire me, I went kind of aphonic for a few weeks, which was phenomenally uncommon for me, and while in that state, wrote the song Wordmule.

Jim White (musician)

Also included are images of the exhibition and photographs by Jim White. White was born in California but moved to Pensacola, Florida at the age of 5.

Thanks for checking in. The few friends I had avoided me and there was no shrink to help me get better. This page was last edited on 23 Septemberat

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